3 Acupuncture needles on target area of body. 1 in practitioner's hand.
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin, solid, metallic, single-use needle(s) into the skin on specific points on the body with gentle hand movements by a certified practitioner. Strategic points of the body are targeted to release tension and pain. Needles are never shared between patients and appropriately discarded.

Often needles will be inserted with no pain for 10-15mins while laying still on a treatment table and then painlessly removed. It is common to feel relaxed or energized after a treatment session.

Manipulation of needles after insertion into the skin by hand or use of low electrical stimulation may also be applicable in some cases.

Based on personal situations, different services at King West can be complemented with acupuncture in the same appointment, or implemented as a stand-alone treatment.

Book Chiropractic or Acupuncture with Dr. Altaya Abbaglivo  
Book Massage or Acupuncture with Leslie Degagne  
Book Naturopathic or Acupuncture with Dr. Vienna Iafrate

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